Photo Credit: Sophie Zaplachinski

Heart Beats Children’s Society of Calgary is a grass-roots registered charitable organization that has been helping families of children with congenital heart disease (CHD) since 1987.

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Real Stories

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Jax (Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome)

When I was just 12 weeks pregnant, we went for our very first ultrasound. The tech was very chatty, telling us all about his family and excitedly showing us on the screen the picture of our unborn baby, pointing out his tiny hands and feet. All of a sudden, he went silent and appeared deep in thought…

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Aurora (22q11 deletion syndrome)

January 19th 2017 was a day I’ll never forget, it was the day I found out there was something wrong with my baby’s heart. The local hospital radiologist called my family doctor who was away on vacation so her locum called me and asked me to come in and see her straight away. The first thing I asked was “ Can this baby survive?”…

When my son was diagnosed, I kept wondering - why us? Meeting other families helped me realize how common heart conditions are and it can happen to anyone.”

Thank you to our primary sponsors for your ongoing support!